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The old adage that a picture is worth 1000 words has stood true even as we incorporate the web into virtually all aspects of our lives; images on the web grab more attention and transmit more information than text can. But now, in 2022, as images have become ubiquitous online, they have also become easier to ignore. Perhaps we need to update the adage: I think anyone with experience in video marketing would instead agree that a video is worth at least 1000 pictures. This rings particularly true when building your brand’s identity.

At The Elite Collective, we can translate the power of video into a strategy that helps build a cohesive brand identity for your company. This article will illustrate three ways in which video excels at building brand identity in ways other mediums can’t.

Share the Face and Voice Behind your Brand

A memorable slogan, a creative logo, evocative typography, and striking brand colors all go a long way in building your brand identity. What makes video such a powerful tool, is that these elements can work in tandem with evocative footage to create engaging marketing materials that bring cohesion to the image your brand is trying to portray.

Pairing your slogan, logo, typography, and colors with a face and a voice can help move your marketing materials from being simply engaging, to relatable. Relatability is powerful in the world of marketing.

Lights, Camera, ACTION

It might seem obvious, but being able to show your products in action gives you a huge leg up on competitors who rely solely on static pictures. Video and sound are evocative in ways that images can’t be, and reaching your target audience on an emotional level is a good way to get them invested in your products.

Whether it’s a video of a luxury sedan with audio from the low rumble of its perfectly tuned engine or the sizzle of a steak hitting a hot grill, motion and sound provide something more than static pixels on a screen can.

Proof of the efficacy of video can be quantified too. Twitter has released data showing how video advertising has a clickthrough rate that is twice as high as other forms of media, and that it can improve retention rates by 60%. This combined with the fact that video is so frequently shared means that it will stay in the digital ecosystem longer and reach more potential customers.

Take Advantage of Versatility

While it was once true that video was relegated to video-specific websites, in the current web landscape, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Video is everywhere. Not only is it everywhere, but it is available in so many different formats, lengths, and styles. You don’t necessarily have to make lengthy high-budget videos to make yourself known. With TikTok, Youtube Shorts, and Instagram Reels, a short low budget vertical video can go a long way in helping your brand stand out. Post frequently, on a variety of platforms, and you will be sure to see results.

If you want help developing your video strategy to increase your presence on social media, talk to the experts at The Elite Collective. Our team will work with you to build your brand image by bringing it to life with video.

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